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I loved the first 3 albums "MCMXC a.D", "The Cross of Changes" and "Le Roi Est Mort", but for me there were increasingly too many vocals and lyrics on the albums afterwards. Albums 4 and 5 began to lose the mystique and ambience I loved about the first 3 albums and on albums 5 and 6 the music just wasn't 'magical' anymore.

The samples for the 8th album sound more like a return to the feeling of the first 3 thankfully, though I'd reserve judgement until we can hear the whole album because the snippets are only 30 seconds long for all the songs.

Enigma is one of those artists that have trascended the scene with very powerful releases. His first three are the best in my opinion.
MCMXC a.D. was certainly groundbreaking and the sounds were haunting, beautiful and fresh.
His second album, The Cross of Changes continues in that same style journey, it is also, quite powerful.
His third album,Le Roi Est Mort, is the last of the 3 great albums, after that trilogy, he seems to have started drifting and trying to recyle soundscapes.
The Screen Behind the Mirror, his fourth effort, is not as great as preceding releases, but is still very good in comparison with his later releases.
We will need to await to the new Enigma 8 announced in 2016, for late release in November of 2016.